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TAAF Endowment

The generous assistance provided by the Tennessee Arts Academy Foundation Endowment Fund helps TAA maintain the highest standard of excellence through its support of arts educators and the thousands of students they serve.

Tennessee Arts Academy Foundation Endowment

The Tennessee Arts Academy Foundation established the TAAF Endowment fund as a way for friends and supporters of the arts and arts education to make charitable gifts that will help to permanently secure TAA’s financial future.  The creation of the TAAF Endowment makes certain that for years to come all Tennessee arts educators will have access to the Tennessee Arts Academy and the unique and outstanding services it provides.

Listed below are the various giving levels for the TAAF Endowment:

Chair of Excellence:
Donation Amount: $250,000 minimum
Donation Schedule: Gift may be given in one lump sum or over several years, not to exceed five years. Once fully funded, gifts in this category are considered to be in perpetuity.
What You Get For Your Donation: Naming of one faculty member position in perpetuity. For example, the John and Jane Doe Chair of Excellence in Music Education.
Please contact the TAA office to discuss the available naming opportunities.

Named (Designated) Endowment Fund Gifts
Donation Amount:
$50,000 Minimum
Donation Schedule: Gift may be given in one lump sum or over a period of several years, not to exceed five years. Once fully funded, gifts in this category are considered to be in perpetuity.
What You Get For Your Donation: Donors can create named (Designated) funds in perpetuity to honor themselves, family or friends. Funds may be designated for a specific purpose. Examples could be the Jane and John Doe Scholarship Fund or the Smith Family Fund or the Ben Jones Theatre Fund.
Please contact the TAA office to discuss the available naming opportunities.

General Endowment Fund Gifts
Donation Amount: $25,000 Minimum
Gift Designations: The donor is able to give to one of two pre-designated funds: Annual Academy Support Fund or General TAAF Operations Fund.
Donation Schedule: Gift may be given over a period of several years, not to exceed five years.
What You Get For Your Donation: Public recognition will be made throughout the year during various public events and in an end-of-year TAAF annual donations list. Depending on the amount and donor requests, other types of recognition may be made available.

How Are Gifts to the Endowment Managed?
The Board of Directors of the Tennessee Arts Academy Foundation has established and updated policies and guidelines to govern all aspects of the endowment. The TAAF Endowment Committee meets quarterly to oversee the governance of the funds. As the fund grows in size, a professional money management institution will invest the funds and distribute the earnings within the guidelines and policies established by the Endowment Committee. Interest derived from the fund will be used to support the Academy, as ongoing gifts continue to grow the size of the endowment. Since the Tennessee Arts Academy Foundation Endowment is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization, all gifts made to the endowment are deductible as per current IRS guidelines.

Ways to Make an Endowment Gift
Your contribution can be made in any number of ways that may include:

1. An outright gift of cash. 

2. Stocks, bonds, real estate, or tangible assets. The appreciated value is deductible for income tax purposes. 

3. Name the Foundation as your life insurance beneficiary or purchase a policy naming the Foundation as the beneficiary.

4. Stipulating in your will or trust that a specific dollar amount, or a percentage of your estate, will go to the Tennessee Arts Academy Foundation Endowment. 

5. Naming either a Chair of Excellence or a Designated Fund in honor or in memory of a person, a group of individuals, or an organization.

How Do I Make A Gift?
We encourage you to consider becoming a Tennessee Arts Academy Foundation Endowment contributor. A Foundation representative will be more than willing to provide you with more information or assist you in making a gift. If you would like to discuss your participation in this program, please e-mail us at taa@belmont.edu or call the Academy office at (615) 460-5451 and ask to speak to Robinson Regen or Frank Bluestein.

Tennessee Arts Academy • Tennessee Arts Academy Foundation
801 2nd Avenue North  • Suite 100 • Nashville, Tennessee 37201
615-988-6250 • taa@tnartsacademy.org