Climb to new heights...
Established in 2015, the TAA Ambassadors assist TAA staff in doing anything and everything needed to help make each year's Arts Academy a success. The TAA Ambassador program gives volunteers the opportunity to learn firsthand about upcoming TAA events and to experience all of the planning and preparations that makes the week so special for the participants.
Currently chairing the TAA Ambassador program is Patricia Hudson, a familiar face to most TAA attendees. Patricia has devoted countless years to the Academy both as a volunteer and up until her retirement from teaching, as a TAA participant.
The most needed time for volunteering is between the hours of 1:00-4:00 PM Monday through Friday. There are many ways you can help. Making copies, putting notebooks together, checking new materials, contacting TAA participants, proofreading, preparing mail-outs, and contacting vendors are a few examples of tasks that provide needed support to our office staff.
Other skills beyond in-office work are also valued and appreciated. Just let TAA know how you can best serve the organization. For those who teach during the year, summer-only opportunities for volunteer work are always available.
The TAA Ambassador program is a truly rewarding experience. Everyone feels a real sense of accomplishment... plus it is great fun to work together and to make new friends.
If you are interested in becoming a TAA Ambassador, please fill out the sign-up form and email it to If you have questions or desire further information, please contact the TAA office at (615) 460-5451 or send an email to